July 5, 2018 / News, OilChat Number 31-40

Detergent dispersant additives OilChat#36

Motor oil deteriorates during its life in the engine due to oxidation. This results in sludge, varnish and resins that become deposited on engine surfaces.
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Oils and Lubricants South Africa
June 12, 2018 / News

How to store and transport used oil

South Africa generates an average of 120 million liters of used lubricant oil in a year which if not collected and recycled responsibly, could make its way into our environment.
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HTHS viscosity
June 4, 2018 / News, OilChat Number 31-40

Viscosity Index improvers OilChat#35

The Viscosity of a fluid is its resistance to flow. The higher the viscosity, the greater the resistance to flow or the “thicker” the fluid. Viscosity changes with temperature - the higher the temperature, the lower the viscosity
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